Saturday, December 4, 2021

Foggy Trees and an Update

Hi all. Today was a foggy day out, and while I was at work I decided to take a few photos of the trees surrounding my area. I didn't edit these because I thought the slight touch of fog and the darkness of the trees already looked perfect.

Fun fact - I've hiked in these woods here a couple of times. I had my first encounter with stinging nettle here actually. It gets a little creepy, there's just miles and miles of forest in the back.

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've last posted. I'm not giving up on this blog at all. In fact, I love working on it. The reason I haven't posted is because I've been seeing my camera quality going down with my snap and shoot camera. 

When I first started this blog, it was because I was seeing so many neat places on the East Coast and wanted my family and friends to be able to see it all too. I have a passion for writing and all things spooky and exploration, so it fell into place. I started with a tiny snap and shoot camera that I won in my senior year at Safe and Sober. Those are the pictures with the dates on them. Then I upgraded to an even better snap and shoot camera. It was bigger with a way longer zoom capacity. My mom then offered me her very big snap and shoot camera, which I was excited for. However those pictures didn't come out as well as my snap and shoot, so I stopped using it. Now I see my snap and shoot camera is going downhill fast and isn't taking photos like it used to. When I go to a place and take a photo, it's not the quality I like anymore. I wouldn't call myself a photographer, but I do want to feel good about what I put out on the internet. 

So here's the update: my husband got me an amazing camera for Christmas. It's not snap and shoot and I know it'll take me some time to get used to it. It's high quality and I'm so excited to start using it. Unfortunately, he's making me wait until Christmas to open it and see it. It's in my closet right now and it's taking me a lot of discipline not to go in there and get it. 

My overall point is, I haven't let go of this blog. I have a lot planned, and I'm taking some vacations in the next few months to places I'll be featuring. Be prepared for cabins in snowy landscapes to historic, haunted hotels. Being back in Humboldt County, this is also the longest I've lived in a place since I started the blog. I want to find every nook and cranny of the area to show you all here. 

I'm excited for the future of this blog, and I can't wait to be posting more soon. Have a blessed Yule and a Merry Christmas.