Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Moon

I've been going on some strenuous adventures to get some beautiful nature shots. I'll have those up here soon. Last night though, I got lucky. I walked outside my house, and right in the middle of the trees I looked up and saw the full moon, glimmering there. I can't get enough photos of the moon, so I decided to post some here. 

I've always heard the moon is most connected with women. As heartbreaking as reality is, nighttime is meant for women to thrive - when the moon is out. The moon is beautiful, powerful, mysterious, and connected to all feelings. 

I heard a story when I was a kid, about the relationship between the sun and moon. 

Of course there's the love story about the sun sacrificing himself for her, where he goes away every night for the moon to be able to show herself. This isn't that story though, and I heard it a long time ago. I don't know exactly how it goes, and I'm filling in a lot of the blanks, so forgive me for inaccuracy.


"Once upon a time, there was a love so strong between the sun and the moon, that they shook the world with their divine force and power." 

"The gods, fearing this power, separated the moon and the sun, so the sun shown only during the day, and the moon, only at night."

"One of the goddess's saw mercy on their love, and decided to leave them a simple blessing. Twice a day, they could pass one another on their journey's from above to the earth, and catch a gaze at their eternal soulmate. And on very special occasions, they could meet, just once, to hold one another, even if only for a moment. A forbidden, unbreakable bond." 

That's the story I vaguely remember, and I can't remember where I heard it from. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I'm happy with the way I wrote it. 

I hope you can gaze up at the moon tonight, whatever cycle she's in, and have a beautiful night.