Tuesday, September 29, 2020

California Fires

There's fires surrounding my home county right now. I'm going to link the CalFire website so if you're in California, you can track where the fires are in our state. https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/ - for Humboldt, the fires are in the surrounding counties around us, but haven't reached us.

Humboldt County is very green and wet, at least Northern Humboldt. In my whole life, I've never seen the fires affect Humboldt the way they are. They've always stayed down south. I remember as a child, I'd drive down south with my family and see the fire damage in the burnt-down forests and hills. It seemed surreal back then, I knew they were a problem, but it never affected my home. Now it is. We're not getting any flames, but the fires are getting closer to us - causing wind gusts, orange skies, smoke in the air, and ash falling everywhere. 

I have photos, but I will not be editing them in any way. Some are from my phone, some are from my camera, but their colors are not altered. 

On the worst days, it starts with a red sun the day before. 

I woke up to this outside of my bedroom. This was at 7 in the morning on September 9th.

These photos were taken outside of my work at around 10 AM. The entire day it remained this dark.

Some photos from my mom's backyard, and her neighbor's property. 

These photos are when the ash got more mixed in the air, causing a thicker atmosphere. When it gets this thick, I wear my mask whether I'm around anyone or not, so I can filter out the ash.

When the moon starts to come out, it changes shades depending on how low or high it is in the sky. Once it's high enough in the sky, it turns back to its white color again. 

I've been told the fire season is only beginning, so if I get any more pictures as the season gets worse, I'll be sure to upload them here. Stay safe if you're in California. I know I'm lucky to only be getting orange skies and ash compared to the other parts of this state. If you're not in California, send well wishes our way. Regardless, there's a lot of devastation going on everywhere right now - stay safe wherever you are in the world. 

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