Saturday, September 8, 2018

Yaddo Gardens

Summer is almost to an end - the dog days are almost over! If you're like me, and the sun and warm weather makes you depressed, that'll be great news. If you're not, then I figured I'd give one last summer adventure to this blog. The Yaddo Garden's are historical, bright, and delightful.

This picture to my left is of the Yaddo Mansion which is currently under restoration. It's a ghostly sight, which I enjoyed seeing, but I would have also liked to see the mansion in its full splendor. You can see the heavy stones at the base of the architecture, I can only imagine how outstanding it looks when it's not under construction. An eerie sight - but the rest of the gardens are the polar opposite.

This was the first fountain I saw here. The water is a crystal, bright, blue color. However it is dyed, though I'm not complaining. The fountain is an exquisite sight.

How did this all come to be though? Well, the Yaddo Gardens were the country estate of a writer, Katrina Trask, and her husband, Spencer Trask. In 1900, they founded "The Corporation of Yaddo." They actually left the estate to be a sort of solitude towards the artistic types of people.

I'll give you their exact words on their dreams for what would happen with the land..." “a rest and refreshment [for] authors, painters, sculptors, musicians and other artists both men and women, few in number but chosen for their creative gifts.” Katrina and Spencer were a lovely couple. They gave so much back to their community.

Here's the heavy, metal gate leading to the gardens. It's mostly for aesthetic because you could obviously just walk around it, but it does have a magical feel as you push the dense, swirled gate open and enter to see enchanting statues and lush vegetation.

Here's what you see when you first walk in. It's a vast and gorgeous sight to witness. The flowers are thick and full, and the grass is blinding with its bright green color. The trees surrounding the whole garden make it like a quiet sanctuary. Like a hidden, secret garden. I can see why artists would want to come here.

In 1926, the first guests were allowed to stay at the Yaddo estate. Katrina and Spencer were passed away at this time, but their dream to let artists and others alike stay there to get refreshed and inspired was alive. In fact, to this day there are still artistic guests invited to stay at the gardens. On their website, they say about 220 guest from around the world stay there a year. Obviously the Trask's legacy has lived on.

Many famous artists have stayed here. There is a variety of invited guests who have won a variation of awards, some awards being as big as the Noble Peace Prize.
There was a multitude of koi fish in this pond. There were three enormous ones swimming around. They kept hiding under lily pads when I'd get up close with my camera - I suppose they're camera shy.

One thing in particular that I thought was beautiful about the history here is that Katrina teamed up with Tiffany and Company in 1912 to construct a "Yaddo Medal." This medal was given to a graduating male and female at the local high school, Saratoga Springs High School, who showed advanced academic achievement and character. That tradition lives on to this day. It was started as an appreciation towards the Saratoga Springs Community - it seems Katrina truly loved this area and the people in it.

The vibrant flowers blend together with the abundant greenery all around. The statues fit in well to the scene. I'm temped to go back with my journal and sit on a bench and write in the serene area. That is what this place was meant for.

Here's a shot of the gates leading out. Th fountain is front and center when walking to the gardens, and right in front of the fountain is the mansion that's currently being worked on. So the mansion is to the left of the enormous fountain in the photo above this text.

Here is the beautiful stairway to what I call the Romeo and Juliet tower. It's a dazzling sight to be had.

At the top of the tower is a sun-dial that lays on top of a sculpture of almost what looks like a lions head and their feet.

Here is the overlook of the diversity of statues, flowers, greenery, and koi pond. The trees have created a fortress around the gardens. A wall of trees that are protecting paradise.

This was in the back of the gardens. A place closest to the mansion, but still publicly available. It remained quiet in this area, not many people went back here.

The mossy, stone fountain here sat in a shimmering, circular pond. It squirted out water like a blowhole on a whale.

The thick trees towering over everything was a perfect site. There's so much green vegetation everywhere, it even reflects off the water.

I love moon and stars symbols. Having them carved into this unique, wooden fence with stones on either side was bewitching.

I can imagine an artist sitting on this stump seat, with all the beauty around them, coming up with their next masterpiece.

A stroll through the woods sounds enchanting right now. 

I'm reminded here again that I'm not invited to see the luxurious mansion on the other side of this garden. The mansion only for the most talented tributes. I'm just grateful they've opened up the astounding gardens to the normal public like me. I hope those invited to stay here feel honored.

This land has a history about it that shows a caring couple who loved art so much they dedicated their land to it. Katrina and Spencer left a glorious estate to the artists invited and public who go to see these gardens. They truly cared for their Saratoga Springs and put in so much of their lives to making it better. The pillars here show a seemingly endless pathway - roses and other pretty flowers sticking out along the way. Walking through this glimmering tunnel I saw an eternal beauty through the landscape. Someday, when the world is crumbling down, those of us who walked through here will remember the Yaddo Gardens. A gift to us from the Trask couple. With that memory, the earth's beauty will last forever.

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